Call Break

Call Break
Call Break


Call Break Free Download 



Call Break is a popular card game originating from Nepal and India and is gaining popularity as its simple rules and entertainment value are taking over the population. So now, instead of playing real hands between friends, Call Break multiplayer now has its own app that allows you to contact strangers to test your luck and skills. But still the game is vague to many and completely unknown to foreigners because it is only known locally. Call Break is similar to Spades and residents of the area may recognize it for having a strong resemblance to Call Bridge or Ghochii. However, it is not entirely comparable. This tricks game is played in two pairs, where the spade card is the trump card and all other cards are basic cards. In other words, once you have the cards in hand, you have technically secured yourself a chance to beat the deck. Unlike Spades, the term “Hand” is used in place of Trick and “Call” instead of “Bid”. So you may find it different from what you remember when playing in casinos (rarely, if ever, is played in large casinos).

Call Break
Call Break

I won’t lie to you: there are many Call Break multiplayer apps that have a higher quality and player focus than what I’m writing about. But that made up for the fact that it’s super simple and doesn’t clutter your phone’s storage space as much as others. The trade-off is definitely that the game’s graphics are reminiscent of the early 2000s Windows card games. But the most important thing isn’t the image itself – what really matters is whether you can play it or not. And in this department, Call Break has surpassed itself, or rather the developers have surpassed themselves. With no fanciful animation or organization, the app works, and for some people, it’s the best of app play – it takes away all the extra frills and leaves the mechanics and gameplay behind. If that’s your thing, with all due respect, go ahead and download this app right now.

Call Break
Call Break

However, it’s also important to note that this app hasn’t been updated in a long time and is probably dead (not updated since 2015). But the latest update ever launched by the developers added several features. And since they were all necessary anyway, the game can be considered playable, even if the hope of finding support or, I suspect, even finding another player is quite rare. Maybe all you can do these days is stand up to AI.

These updates are:

  • Scoreboard added.
  • Performance increase.
  • Minor improvements to the user interface and menus.
  • Some AI improvements.
  • Added condition to win 8 bids.

They all look like very basic features, but since we consider them basic functionality an app should have had, the fact that the developers have even added them is a blessing in itself.

Call Break
Call Break

If you are looking for a good practice app for Call Break (I hate to call it a full-fledged game because I would be surprised to find someone playing this version of the game these days), this is good enough if you give it the benefit of the doubt.

Version 1.5
7.6 MB
MOD Features
Call Break
Call Break


Call Break Free Download 



Call Break is a popular card game originating from Nepal and India and is gaining popularity as its simple rules and entertainment value are taking over the population. So now, instead of playing real hands between friends, Call Break multiplayer now has its own app that allows you to contact strangers to test your luck and skills. But still the game is vague to many and completely unknown to foreigners because it is only known locally. Call Break is similar to Spades and residents of the area may recognize it for having a strong resemblance to Call Bridge or Ghochii. However, it is not entirely comparable. This tricks game is played in two pairs, where the spade card is the trump card and all other cards are basic cards. In other words, once you have the cards in hand, you have technically secured yourself a chance to beat the deck. Unlike Spades, the term “Hand” is used in place of Trick and “Call” instead of “Bid”. So you may find it different from what you remember when playing in casinos (rarely, if ever, is played in large casinos).

Call Break
Call Break

I won’t lie to you: there are many Call Break multiplayer apps that have a higher quality and player focus than what I’m writing about. But that made up for the fact that it’s super simple and doesn’t clutter your phone’s storage space as much as others. The trade-off is definitely that the game’s graphics are reminiscent of the early 2000s Windows card games. But the most important thing isn’t the image itself – what really matters is whether you can play it or not. And in this department, Call Break has surpassed itself, or rather the developers have surpassed themselves. With no fanciful animation or organization, the app works, and for some people, it’s the best of app play – it takes away all the extra frills and leaves the mechanics and gameplay behind. If that’s your thing, with all due respect, go ahead and download this app right now.

Call Break
Call Break

However, it’s also important to note that this app hasn’t been updated in a long time and is probably dead (not updated since 2015). But the latest update ever launched by the developers added several features. And since they were all necessary anyway, the game can be considered playable, even if the hope of finding support or, I suspect, even finding another player is quite rare. Maybe all you can do these days is stand up to AI.

These updates are:

  • Scoreboard added.
  • Performance increase.
  • Minor improvements to the user interface and menus.
  • Some AI improvements.
  • Added condition to win 8 bids.

They all look like very basic features, but since we consider them basic functionality an app should have had, the fact that the developers have even added them is a blessing in itself.

Call Break
Call Break

If you are looking for a good practice app for Call Break (I hate to call it a full-fledged game because I would be surprised to find someone playing this version of the game these days), this is good enough if you give it the benefit of the doubt.

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