How to know if someone restricted you on Instagram

How to know if someone restricted you on Instagram


  1. How do you know if someone has restricted you on Instagram?
  • Check your comments on their posts on another account
  • Send a message
  • Keep an eye on the status of their activities

Instagram’s “Restrict” feature was launched in 2019 as an anti-bullying feature to provide users with a safe experience on the platform. The feature allows you to control whether others can see (restricted user) new comments on your posts. Their messages also end up in the Requests tab, which means they don’t know if you’ve read them.
However, Instagram does not send notifications about the same to the restricted person and it is quite difficult to discover this situation because it is just a silent act.
While there is no official procedure for knowing if someone has restricted you, there are some possible techniques that can help you do the same and fix the problem. These little habits may seem pretty simple to get your job done, but they’re also powerful.
Do you also feel that someone is limiting you? If so, go to this article to know for sure and much more.

How do you know if someone has restricted you on Instagram?

The Restrict function is used to restrict a specific interaction with another application user.
If someone has restricted you on Instagram, you will never see their active status or when they were last active on the app. If you see someone posting on the platform and still can’t find a sign that they’re active, they’ve probably restricted you. On the other hand, it is also possible to disable the Activity mode for all users of the application.
To be absolutely sure that someone is limiting you, you need to have a family member or friend following the same person, or a new secondary account can also be useful. The easiest ways to check if someone has restricted you on Instagram are:

Check your comments on their posts on another account

If someone has restricted you, your new comments (after restriction) on their posts will not be visible to anyone on the platform except you and the person who restricted you.
If you’re not sure if someone is limiting you on Instagram, look at your comments from another account on that person’s posts. If your comments don’t appear on another account, the person has restricted you on the platform.

Do the following:

You need another account for this.
Step 1: Search your sub account for the person being questioned.
Step 2: Check all the replies to their posts. If you can’t find the comments you’ve written on your main account, you’ve undoubtedly been limited by them.
Note: Your previous comments before the restriction will not be hidden in their posts. Only comments made after the restriction are not visible to other users.
If you don’t normally reply to messages, try commenting on their message that you suspect is limiting you. Then check your sub account to see if the comment is hidden. If so, you will be limited.

Send a message

If you want to check if someone has restricted you, you can try sending direct messages to the person from your main account. If your message is not displayed or returned for a long time, it is possible that the person restricted you and your private message ended up in their message request instead.
If the message doesn’t appear or you don’t get a response for a long time, you should ask if the person in question has marked you as restricted.

Keep an eye on the status of their activities

While it is of little help, it can sometimes still work well to remove suspicions that someone has restricted your main account.
When someone has restricted you, you won’t see their active status or when they were last active. However, before checking this, make sure the activity status is ACTIVE so that you can view the activity status of others. If not, go to Settings and then Privacy where you will find the Activity Status option for your account. Keep the status “ON” to check the status of others and help you check if someone has restricted you on Instagram.
If you still don’t see an active status, switch to your sub account or use a different account and if its active status shows, make sure they have permanently restricted you.
This Instagram “Restrict” anti-bullying feature helped prevent negativity or hate comments.

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